Frequently asked questions

Here you can check the frequently questions in the whistleblower channel of GRUPO CADARSO

Can I report a labor situation if I do not belong to the company?

Yes. The channel is open so that different actors in the business ecosystem can help detect illegal activities. In any case, if they are complaints about the service offered, there are other channels enabled to present said complaints.

How can I increase the anonymity when reporting?

Some tips to achieve maximum anonymity, in addition to informing that the complaint is anonymous are:

· Make sure that the description of the communication does not include information by which it is easy to identify you. The same applies to documents that you attach as possible evidence.

· Do not report from a computer connected to the company network, including a mobile phone connected to the corporate Wi-Fi. Ithikios does not record information, but before reaching our systems it must go through the control systems themselves such as proxies or firewalls and there may be settings that allow us to know which services it connects to.

· You can use the open source browser TOR , which anonymizes the IP address.

Algunos consejos para conseguir el máximo anonimato, además de informar que la denuncia es anónima son:

· Asegúrese de que en la descripción de la comunicación no incluye información con la que sea fácil identificarle. Lo mismo aplica a los documentos que anexe como posibles pruebas.

· No denuncie desde un ordenador conectado a la red de la empresa, incluido un móvil conectado a la wifi corporativa. Ithikios no registra información, pero antes de llegar a nuestros sistemas debe pasar por los propios sistemas de control como proxy’s o firewalls y puede haber configuraciones que permitan saber a que servicios se conecta.

· Puede utilizar el navegador de código abierto TOR , que anonimiza la dirección IP.

I have lost the access code to check the status of the complaint. What can I do?

Unfortunately, and for security reasons, only the whistleblower knows your access code and password. If you lose any of them, you will not be able to follow up on the communication, this does not mean that the communication does not follow its course, simply that you will not be able to see how it is progressing, or provide more information if the company requires it.

Is anonymity guaranteed in the complaint?

In the complaint process you can decide whether to report your personal data or not. If you decide not to do so, you must establish your own follow-up through the complaints channel to see the progress and resolution. The channel will offer you a username and password to access the progress of the complaint. The channel is independent from the company and does not record information on the IP from where it is connected.

What types of crimes can I report?

Those criminal offenses established both in the Spanish Penal Code and in regulations of other countries in which Grupo Cadarso operates, which are carried out by a legal representative or employee, for direct or indirect benefit.

What is the Complaints Channel?

It is a means of communication that Grupo Cadarso makes available to all those groups defined with access to this Channel. Communications referring to the scope of application of the Code of Ethics or any other applicable internal policy and regulation of the Group can be sent through this means.

A series of categories have been defined that help classify the communications by area, thus facilitating their management and the completion of the data collection forms.

Why is it not advisable to file an anonymous complaint in cases of sexual, gender-based and workplace harassment?

Filing a sexual, gender-based or workplace harassment complaint anonymously may limit the effectiveness of the investigation by not being able to obtain all the information necessary for a reliable conclusion of the case and increases the risk of breaching the principle of protection of the person under investigation. This principle prohibits the accused person from being defenceless in the event of initiating the corresponding investigation process, which the company's protocol includes, without first giving him/her the opportunity to defend him/herself with full knowledge of the facts for which he/she is accused.

It is therefore recommended that the complaint is not made anonymously, without prejudice to the fact that once the complaint has been filed, the personal data of the person concerned will be kept confidential throughout the investigation process, including after the resolution of the same.